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Adopting the IB Learner Profile in Daily Life: Applying Skills Beyond School 

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The International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile isn’t taught in schools. It’s a way of thinking that can be applied to everyday life. Although initially created for IB students, these principles have value for people at any age or stage of their lives.

Let us explore how embracing the IB Learner Profile can help you grow as an individual and improve your relationships outside of school.

Understanding the IB Learner Profile

The IB Learner Profile includes ten attributes. They promote holistic development and create an attitude for lifelong learning. These are Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective.

Applying the IB Learner Profile to daily life

  1. Being Inquirers: Keep curiosity alive by asking questions and finding answers. Try new things or learn about other cultures around the world whenever possible.
  2. Being knowledgeable means realizing that we should never stop learning about ourselves or others. Become more aware by reading books on many subjects. Read not only fiction but also non-fiction, like biographies.
  3. Be a thinker. Use critical thinking and logic. Analyze situations from different points of view. This will help you solve problems well.
  4. We are Communicators. First, learn to listen well to understand others better. Then, express ourselves briefly, but cover all points. We must connect emotionally with those around us by putting ourselves in their shoes.
  5. Being Principled: Act honestly towards everybody, even if it means being unfair in some cases where applicable. For example, they admit mistakes and fix them. They do not blame others. They take responsibility for the consequences, no matter who they harm.
  6. Be open-minded. Accept different opinions and ideas. They may seem strange or not fit your beliefs. Listen to them without being judgmental so long as no serious consequences are likely to arise from such an attitude. It could lead somewhere good where nobody has ever been before. 
  7. Being Caring means showing concern for others’ well-being. You do this by helping them meet their needs and being kind in words and deeds. This could make someone else's day brighter than usual.
  8. Being Risk-takers: Dare to try new things outside your comfort zone while still being aware of the possible outcomes involved. Take smart risks. They contribute to personal growth. They also provide new experiences and opportunities. These may shape your life a lot. And they need not go against common sense.
  9. Be Balanced: Keep balance among parts of life, like work, play, health, and love. Also, take care of yourself by not overdoing any one thing. Health should always come first, regardless of circumstances.
  10. Being Reflective: Take time to introspect and evaluate your experiences, strengths, and areas for improvement. Learn from past mistakes and successes to evolve and grow as an individual continuously.

Examples of Applying the IB Learner Profile

  • Career Development through Inquiry: When looking for a job, approach the process with curiosity. Research different fields and talk to people who work in those areas so that you can make informed decisions about your career path.
  • Open-minded people are culturally aware. Traveling opens your mind. It exposes you to new things and ways of doing things. They might seem strange at first but eventually become part of you. You appreciate diversity even more than before. So, when travelling overseas, embrace it wholeheartedly. This fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.
  • Making Principled Choices in Your Day-to-Day Lives: Sometimes, we face tough situations with no clear right answer by the rules. But, being principled requires taking a moral position despite personal sacrifice. This shows integrity, especially in such moments.
  • Reflecting on Personal Growth Regularly: At times, life presents opportunities for self-reflection and growth, such as journaling or meditating, which allow individuals to assess their development over a given period and understand areas that need improvement. Set goals towards continuous improvement, thereby becoming a better person with each passing day.


Adopting the IB Learner Profile in our daily lives means more than just academic success; it helps us change, build better relationships and become part of a wider community. When we accept being investigators or reflective people, such as principled thinkers under the International Baccalaureate programme’s attribute list, it equips us with resilience, compassion and an appetite for learning throughout our lives that enables us to survive any situation we come across in this world. Let us try to be like this every day wherever we find ourselves – at school or outside – so that as individuals striving towards holistic development, we can positively impact others.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The IB Learner Profile comprises attributes such as Inquirers, Knowledgeable, Thinkers, Communicators, Principled, Open-minded, Caring, Risk-takers, Balanced, and Reflective. It promotes holistic development and lifelong learning.

You can apply the IB Learner Profile by fostering curiosity, continuous learning, critical thinking, effective communication, ethical behavior, acceptance of diverse perspectives, empathy, courage to take calculated risks, maintaining balance, and self-reflection.

The IB Learner Profile encourages inquiry-based approaches, cultural awareness, ethical decision-making, and continuous self-improvement, which are valuable skills in career development. It helps individuals make informed choices and navigate diverse professional environments effectively.


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